knapa jd bgini fotonya....
Senin, 19 April 2010
Jumat, 02 April 2010
Mie Ayam Argentinian style..
hm.. bumbunya ngarang aja.. apa aja yg tersedia di china town.. pangsit nya aja gak nemu... rasanya sih biasa aja.. krn ga bisa buat minyak ayamnya,, jd aku fokusin ke ayam dan kuahnya aja
kamu beli:
mie telor
ayam, potong kecil/sayap potong
kailan/ bok-choy/ sawi hijau
jamur kancing, belah dua
wortel, dadu kecil
bawang putih 2bh, ulek
daun bawang, potong kecil2
untuk rasa:
kikoman 1 sdt
saus tiram 1/2 sdt
minyak wijen 3 tetes
kaldu secukupnya
cara mbuatnya:
rebus mie sampai aldente (semi lunak)
siram sayur dengan air panas, diamkan sebentar, lalu siram dengan air biasa, tiris
tumis potongan ayam yang telah direndam dgn bawang putih dan garam, angkat
tumis jamur dan wortel dengan sedikit garam dan lada, angkat
panaskan kaldu smp mendidih, masukkan kikoman, saus tiram, dicoba terus, tambahkan garam dan lada sesuai selera, jika sudah oke, terakhir teteskan minyak wijen
siramkan kuah keatas mie dan susun gabungan ayam, jamur dan wortel, juga sayur, taruh daun bawang paling atas. pakai saos sambal lebih enak :)
untuk satu porsi
Senin, 15 Maret 2010
whats in ur bag?
well, these are the things i daily bring in my bag. not much ha :p? lets discuss one item at a time.. ok, here we go:
1. My wallet
(yeap, that big black manly wallet is apparently, mine)
got this half fake leathered at 'they say an imported stuff from Italy-store' near Cheese Cake Factory at Ahmad Dahlan, for more less 200.000 rupiah, i instantly fallin in love with so many pockets it has (n found out that it useless to use them here! i tell u why below..)
2. Umbrella!
to be honest, i don carry this every single day,, but i always check the TV on hows the weather each day,, and eventhough they say its gonna be bloody sunny all day long, still,, mother nature has it own secret wants
3. Dictionary Espanol-English.
Cant leave home without this fella. keeps me alive whenever i want to have those starbucks to take away, or avoiding to say brilliant thing like, "si, tengo hombre.. mucho hombre!"
4. ErHa sunblock paste
if you see my skin color you might not need to read my explanation hehe.. naaaa,,, here is why... ozone erotion! you cant let the solar wave touch directly to your skin.. you must have something to block it. otherwise, 20years from now.. skin cancer. and this is also valid for men. (yes, you!)
5. Tissue
oh God.. i will cry out loud if dont have this. iam a higienic person.. and public toilet.. ? please..
6. Cards Pocket
this will explain number 1.
pick pocket. pick pocket. pick pocket. those are 3 reasons why i decided to separate important cards away from money. more ribet? for sure. safer? SURE!
7. Lipstik
hehe... do i need to write something here...
8. Flashdisc
sometimes my husband need it.. iam a wife.. and secretary..
9. Pen
it's a must. period. i think everyone need to bring one. period. (but please LIE if that cute barrista has one ;p)
10. House keys
housekeys! ofcourse! unless you wanna hang around with portero.. suits yourself..
11. Handphone
hehe who doesnt bring this nowadays.. tukang ketoprak aja online terus..
12. Post-it
hehe.. some of my girl friends might laugh when they read this. iam a super post it-person,, i place post it everywhere.. my bag, my wallet,, my drawer,, my working desk,, my laptop! and even on the refrigerator!! ...what for?? well, iam not a spontaneous person.. i plan everything.. and starting to easily forget things.. these super fella keep me posted. if i need to do something.. or any inspiration comes to mind.. they save the day! i really like to shake the hands of the genius who invented this.. :)
13. Coins
thanks to those pelit banks that dont wanna help us bartering their coins.. like they never use the bus!! (hm.. it appears to me that they probably keep the coins for their own.. grrr)
letmi tell ya..if you dont have coins in this city of Buenos Aires.. well, expect to pay the taxies 10times more expensive! and you're gonna be 10 times poorer ;p not counting they could just robb you or drag you around the city to make bigger argometer :( (u-oh knock on wood..)
[adopted from 'a bucket of stolen stuff' by Bulan Sastranegara :)]
Selasa, 09 Februari 2010
'semacam' semur rolade beef
Horee akhirnya muncul lagi resep-resep andalan:)..pertama kali buat 'semacam' semur daging.. ymmm... jadinya mirip kuah rolade beef:) ga nyangka bisa segini enak.. bener! sekali makan lgs 3 porsi! walhasil perut sakit semaleman...
yg dibeli:
1/2 kg daging potong
(bisa juga daging cincang dibuat bola-bola kecil)
jamur kancing (terserah, lbh byk lbh baik;p)
4 bawang putih
8 bawang merah
1/3 sdt lada butir
2cm pala butir (diparut)
1/3 sdt lada hitam butir (ulek kasar)
1/3 sdm butter
kurleb 1 1/2 sdm saus tiram
1/2 sdm kecap asin
2 sdm kecap manis
garam (dicoba)
caranya begini:
bawang merah, bawang putih, lada butir dan pala diulek halus.
ulekan ini diulet2in di daging potong, marinate selama 30 menit, masukin ke kulkas.
siapkan wajan, tuang minyak sedikit aja, tunggu panas lalu masukkan daging marinate, aduk2 pelan sampai setengah matang, masukkan jamur, udek2 lg sebentar.
tuang saus tiram, kecap manis dan kecap asin. aduk2 sebentar, tambahkan air sedikit saja, tunggu sampai lebih meresap.
masukkan butter, lada hitam dan garam. dicoba terus sampai sesuai selera.
Sabtu, 16 Januari 2010
bienvenidos a Montevideo!
nine days after new year, we, ibu2 DWP decided to use the last treasures to go for a PP trip to Montevideo, Uruguay. asking Eva y Pak waridin to join the crowd and of course, to be our photographer heheh. Deciding to go on a Buquebus was a brilliant idea,, the ship was as pretty as her name, "Sylvia Ana". 3 hours of cruising (including an hour sleeping)was joyful enough before we hit the land of Uruguay..
Kamis, 07 Januari 2010
la primera dia
This was the first day of 2010.
we woke up (I, woke up) at 9 something.. jump into the shower thinking that we have to be at Rural at 11 o’clock. “honey, do we go to Rural or Obelisco at 2pm?” ..”eumphh.. Ouw..beliiscooh...”. And he back to his sweet dream and woke up at 1.30 (D*#n.. I could’ve just still sleeping like him).
our legs (well, my, legs) felt like torn apart.. sooo tired and pegel,, I couldn’t back to sleep, instead I wash dishes, had breakfast and preparing lunch, wash some clothes and a lil of this and that (oh booy,, u need to thank that women exist in this world huh??!)
finally we are ready to go walking to Obelisco just few blocks from our aptm. He was a bit pissed for this last minute call to take coverage of the Paris-Dakar rally. But OH BOY.. those bicycleta, cuatrocleta, camionetas, autos……….I.N.S.A.N.E!!!! took a survey of the best position to spot the podium.. well,, what can you expect,, those argentinians are huge . Four hours of walking and standing after what we had last nite was a major disadvantage. I feel nausea and desperately need to lay down and call bu Tina for a two hours massage,, huks.. but…you’re so far away ibu…
went home first and straight to the shower to freshen up.. felt tired but excited because tonite we and astrid will watch the premier show of ‘Avatar’ at the Cinemark .. oh I was wondering can I enjoy that…
well… THE MOVIE WAS SUPERGREAT!!! kereen!!! Cakep banget!!! Iam happy.. but irritatingly very very vvery tired… hoahemmm… and sleeeepeee…..
we woke up (I, woke up) at 9 something.. jump into the shower thinking that we have to be at Rural at 11 o’clock. “honey, do we go to Rural or Obelisco at 2pm?” ..”eumphh.. Ouw..beliiscooh...”. And he back to his sweet dream and woke up at 1.30 (D*#n.. I could’ve just still sleeping like him).
our legs (well, my, legs) felt like torn apart.. sooo tired and pegel,, I couldn’t back to sleep, instead I wash dishes, had breakfast and preparing lunch, wash some clothes and a lil of this and that (oh booy,, u need to thank that women exist in this world huh??!)
finally we are ready to go walking to Obelisco just few blocks from our aptm. He was a bit pissed for this last minute call to take coverage of the Paris-Dakar rally. But OH BOY.. those bicycleta, cuatrocleta, camionetas, autos……….I.N.S.A.N.E!!!! took a survey of the best position to spot the podium.. well,, what can you expect,, those argentinians are huge . Four hours of walking and standing after what we had last nite was a major disadvantage. I feel nausea and desperately need to lay down and call bu Tina for a two hours massage,, huks.. but…you’re so far away ibu…
went home first and straight to the shower to freshen up.. felt tired but excited because tonite we and astrid will watch the premier show of ‘Avatar’ at the Cinemark .. oh I was wondering can I enjoy that…
well… THE MOVIE WAS SUPERGREAT!!! kereen!!! Cakep banget!!! Iam happy.. but irritatingly very very vvery tired… hoahemmm… and sleeeepeee…..
Rabu, 06 Januari 2010
Caramba... 2010!!
Celebrating new year’s eve with bunch of kbri’s chicos. Pak Rudi, Santiago, Tia, Astrid, Rendy, Carla n su hermano,, and ofcourse,, my lovely cutie hubbie. Finally arrived after half hour striving to get a stupid taxi in new year’s eve was not easy as in Jakarta. ‘Olla que tal? Passas por Sinclair 2955? eum,, entre Juncal y cerviqo, gracias!’ Phiuhhhh…. Wasn’t funny at all if we din get a ride after cooking half hour of sauté beef with champignon, vegetables and oyster sauce.. and we din even get to the place!! Alhamdulillah
They are barbequing the Indonesian satay at the balcony.. apparently they also just started to cook at this (almost) 11 pm! Mmmm… the smell was sooo…. Satay in Puncaak!!! Dunno the secret ingredients Pak Rudy had in all those mouth watering satay.. yummm..
I was pretty intense that nite since I lost my video of fire works on Christmas Eve at Parque de Recoleta.. and swear to myself I will get one TONITE. Anticipating every minute went by,, coz we need to run to Puerto Madero to catch the biggest fire work in Buenos Aires. OMG,, the dinner was finally ready at…. ..11.45pm!!! and that means… no fireworks dear ….and there we were.. enjoying the delicious satay, wok vegetables and my cooking .. yummy umm… ennnaakkkk!!!!
11.59.59………FELIZ ANOOO!!!! SALUUUDD!!!! Toast with aqua sin gas hehe… met taun baru guyyssss
We walked to Libertador and Bullrich and wherever it needed to get as close as it can get to fireworks.. but shame on us… pas uda deket.. ehh abis haha… myuter myuter finally stranded in this street of Scalabrini Ortis y J Luis Borges.. and heading to local bars that filled with drunk people… tired… we sat in a small park under the big trees.. and Rendy, Carla y su hermano came to join the last fun.
...HAH!! FINALLY!! I GOT MY NEW YEAR’S EVE FIRE WORKS!!!! right above my head and the trees they sparkled beautifully for 5 minutes! Iam so happy!!... but why oh why… I forgot to switch on my video cam.. huk...
Going back to Pak Rudi's apt with Rendy’s car (Thank God) ngumpul ngumpul bentar and finally going home with –again- Rendy,,, step down at Coronel Diaz and took a 3 am taxi and heading home…. Hoahemmmm… what a nite...
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